Expert Guidance in Health and Life Insurance
Welcome to JR Health Care Consultants. JR healthcare consultants will guide you through the process of buying health insurance. Don't let the enrollment period pass you by.
I am dedicated to helping you find the best healthcare option. Since Obama Care, the healthcare market has vastly changed. It can be overwhelming to search through the market place. With years of experience in financial consulting, I can better understand your financial situation and advice you towards the best insurance policy given your unique circumstances, needs, and medical history.
Jorge Ruiz, MBA, CLTC
Bienvenidos a JR Health Care Consultants. En JR Health Care Consultants estamos para guíarlo en el proceso de escojer aseguranza medica. No deje que se le pase el periodo de incripcíon.
Con el comienzo de Obama Care el proceso de iniciar servicios medicos puede ser complicado. Nos dedicamos a que usted encuentre la mejor opcíon de acuerdo a sus circumstancias. Estamos aqui para ayudarle a conseguir la covertura que necesita y la que mas le conviene.
Jorge Ruiz, MBA, CLTC
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We offer Health Insurance plans from the leading carriers nationwide.
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el periodo de inscripcion para el 2017 empieza noviembre 2016
El gobierno fijó el Período de Inscripciones Abiertas entre el 1 de noviembre de 2016 y el 31 de enero de 2017.
Durante este periodo de inscripcion abierta, la gente podrá comprar su poliza de seguro medico o realizar cambios a la poliza actual, la cual tendra vigencia durante el año 2017.
Las personas que no quieran cambiar de plan podrán mantenerlo y su póliza se renovará automáticamente.
La fecha del 1 de noviembre al 31 de enero de 2017 es importante también porque permite hacer actualizaciones y revisiones de las pólizas antiguas. El gobierno recomienda a los asegurados que hagan este ejercicio de evaluación de sus pólizas corrientes y decidan si quieren hacer cambios.
Una vez que el mercado cierre sus puertas, el 31 de enero, no se podrán hacer cambios a las pólizas o cambiar directamente de plan, a menos de que ocurra un evento de vida importante que justifique la apertura de un Periodo Especial.
Cómo hacer para estar cubierto desde el 1 de enero de 2017?
Sólo debes recordar una fecha.
La fecha límite, para comprar una póliza de salud que comience a funcionar el 1 de enero 2017, es el 15 de diciembre 2016.
Todas las pólizas que se compren después de ese día, tendrán vigencia a partir de febrero.
Debes recordar que si pasas más de tres meses seguidos en un año, sin póliza de seguro, pagarás una multa por los meses que has estado sin cobertura.
The enrollment period for 2017 begins in November 2016
Open enrollment begins on November 1st 2016 and goes to January 31st 2017.
During this period people will be able to shop for their health insurance policy or make changes to their existing policy. Any changes will take effect throughout the year of 2017.
People who wish not to keep their insurance plan can do so and have their policy automatically renewed.
The dates between November 1st and January 31st 2017 are important because it allows you to make changes and revisions to your old policies. The government recommends that you review your current policy and ensure whether you would like to make any changes.
Once the marketplace closes on January 31st, you will not be able to make any changes to the policies or change your plan, unless there is a major event that might justify last minute changes. This could be done during the special period.
How do you ensure you are covered starting January 2017?
You only need to remember one date. The deadlines to buy a policy that goes into effect on January 1st 2017 is December 15th 2016.
All policies that are bought after this date will go into effect starting February.
Also, keep in mind that if you go more than three months straight without a policy you will pay a fine for the months you went without coverage.
Why is it important to have Health Insurance?
You can make better choices about your health care coverage once you know what your health insurance options are. Let's start with the basics.
- Health insurance helps protect you against the high costs of health care.
- It works like other types of insurance: You pay a monthly payment (premium) and the insurance company promises to pay certain costs.
- Most people are required to have health insurance or pay a penalty.
It can be a daunting task to find affordable health insurance, especially if you are self employed or have a family that's not covered on your health plan at work. One of the best ways to get affordable health insurance is with a group plan. This is normally done through an employer. that pays some, or even all, the insurance cost for the employee but the employee may choose to add a spouse or a family member at an additional cost.
If you are self-employed or lose a job, these affordable health insurance choices aren't offered to you. However, you should be able to find something that is available for small business owners and self-employed people but it will be at a much higher cost. So, this makes it all the more important to get help form a expert to help you find affordable health insurance.
JR Consultants guides you to find, not only the best health care plan, but the one which better suits your needs, income, and unique circumstances.
The most important step is understanding your options
ObamaCare has changed the health care market. Once you understand health insurance costs and how they work together, you'll be able to find the right plan to fit your budget. There are government subsidies to help you pay for it and JR Health Care Consultants can help you navigate your options and help you pay for your insurance.
How the Affordable Care Act will affect those needing health insurance
- Under the Individual Mandate rule, all people must have minimal essential coverage beginning Jan 1, 2014
- If a person does not have minimal essential coverage, the IRS will collect a penalty
- By 2016 and after, this penalty will be $695/person or 2.5% of annual income, whichever is greater
Part of finding out what plan is best for you, is learning the basics of the insurance market.
- Under the Individual Mandate rule, all people must have minimal essential coverage beginning Jan 1, 2014
- If a person does not have minimal essential coverage, the IRS will collect a penalty
- By 2016 and after, this penalty will be $695/person or 2.5% of annual income, whichever is great.
The premium is the amount you (or your employer) pay for your health insurance plan whether you use medical services or not. In most cases, it's paid monthly, but can be paid every 3 months or yearly.
A deductible is the amount you must pay before the health plan starts paying for your covered services. For example, if your deductible is $1,000, your plan won't pay for some services until you've paid $1,000. In most cases, the higher your deductible, the lower your premium. The lower the deductible, the higher premium.
Tip for choosing your premium and deductible"
If you know you'll be using your insurance often, you may want to choose a plan with a higher premium and lower deductible. This means you'll pay more each month, but the amount you pay when you go to the doctor will be less over the course of the year.
This also works the other way. If you know you won't use your insurance often, you may want to choose a plan with a lower monthly premium and higher deductible. This way you keep your monthly costs lower by taking the chance that you may not need to pay your deductible.
Coinsurance is the percentage of the cost that you must pay for a covered service. It applies after you meet your deductible.
For example, let's say it costs $100 to see your doctor. If your coinsurance is 20%, you must pay $20 and the insurance plan pays $80. If you haven't met your deductible, you must pay the entire amount.
A co-payment is a fixed dollar amount you may have to pay at the time you get care. In most cases, it's a small amount, such as $20 for a doctor's exam. You won't always have to pay co-payments. The amount you pay depends on your health plan and which doctor you see.
Out-of-pocket Maximum
Also called OOPM, this is the most you have to pay out of your own pocket for expenses under your insurance plan during the year. Deductibles, coinsurance, co-pays and other expenses for in-network essential health benefits (EHBs) apply to the OOPM.
Keep Costs Down. Stay in Network
Before you go for care, make sure you go to a doctor or hospital in your health plan network. These providers have agreed to work with your health plan to keep your costs down. If you visit a doctor outside of your network, you may have to pay more for your care. In some cases, you may have to pay the full cost. For HMO's, if you are referred to a specialist, make sure he or she is in your network.